Monday, April 27, 2009

Geithner Is Wall Street's Guy

Should we bring back the Geithner Death Watch? This New York Times profile in regulatory capture certainly sets up the it-was-Geithner's-fault narrative if the economy dramatically worsens. Some of the highlights from the article, with between the lines translations:
Last June, with a financial hurricane gathering force, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. convened the nation’s economic stewards for a brainstorming session. What emergency powers might the government want at its disposal to confront the crisis? he asked.

Timothy F. Geithner, who as president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank oversaw many of the nation’s most powerful financial institutions, stunned the group with the audacity of his answer. He proposed asking Congress to give the president broad power to guarantee all the debt in the banking system, according to two participants, including Michele Davis, then an assistant Treasury secretary.

The proposal quickly died amid protests that it was politically untenable because it could put taxpayers on the hook for trillions of dollars.
People thought, ‘Wow, that’s kind of out there,’ ” said John C. Dugan, the comptroller of the currency, who heard about the idea afterward.
Translation: Geithner wanted to put taxpayers on the hook for all the mistakes bankers, their counterparties, and their bondholders made, with no real upside for the public. Is a more bank-friendly proposal possible? Back to the piece:
Mr. Geithner was particularly close to executives of Citigroup, the largest bank under his supervision. Robert E. Rubin, a senior Citi executive and a former Treasury secretary, was Mr. Geithner’s mentor from his years in the Clinton administration, and the two kept in close touch in New York.

Mr. Geithner met frequently with Sanford I. Weill, one of Citi’s largest individual shareholders and its former chairman, serving on the board of a charity Mr. Weill led. As the bank was entering a financial tailspin, Mr. Weill approached Mr. Geithner about taking over as Citi’s chief executive.
But for all his ties to Citi, Mr. Geithner repeatedly missed or overlooked signs that the bank — along with the rest of the financial system — was falling apart. When he did spot trouble, analysts say, his responses were too measured, or too late.
Translation: Despite being so close to Citi officials that they wanted him as CEO, he was clueless as to how much trouble there were in. This is a nice double whammy: show that Geithner was close - too close - to the bankers he was supposed to be supervising, and then that he was ineffective at supervising them. Was he unaware because his closeness compromised his judgment, or simply because he was not good at his job? Back to the article:
To Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel-winning economist at Columbia and a critic of the bailout, Mr. Geithner’s actions suggest that he came to share Wall Street’s regulatory philosophy and world view.
“I don’t think that Tim Geithner was motivated by anything other than concern to get the financial system working again,” Mr. Stiglitz said. “But I think that mindsets can be shaped by people you associate with, and you come to think that what’s good for Wall Street is good for America.”
Translation: Geithner is a textbook example of regulatory capture. Back to the article:
In a May 15, 2007, speech to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Mr. Geithner praised the strength of the nation’s top financial institutions, saying that innovations like derivatives had “improved the capacity to measure and manage risk” and declaring that “the larger global financial institutions are generally stronger in terms of capital relative to risk.”

Two days later, interviews and records show, he lobbied behind the scenes for a plan that a government study said could lead banks to reduce the amount of capital they kept on hand.

While waiting for a breakfast meeting with Mr. Weill at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan, Mr. Geithner phoned Mr. Dugan, the comptroller of the currency, according to both men’s calendars. Both Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase were pushing for the new standards, which they said would make them more competitive. Records show that earlier that week, Mr. Geithner had discussed the issue with JPMorgan’s chief, Mr. Dimon.

At the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures bank deposits, the chairwoman, Sheila C. Bair, argued that the new standards were tantamount to letting the banks set their own capital levels. Taxpayers, she warned, could be left “holding the bag” in a downturn. But Mr. Geithner believed that the standards would make the banks more sensitive to risk, Mr. Dugan recalled. The standards were adopted but have yet to go into effect.
Translation: Geithner is a fool - perhaps what Rubin would call a useful idiot - who shilled for the bankers. While Geithner was hardly alone in believing that derivatives helped manage risk by spreading it to those most able to bear it, pointing out that he still trumpeted their virtures in 2007 makes him look rather clueless. And if Geithner really believed that lowering bank capital levels would make them more cautious and sensitive to risk, rather than simply more vulnerable to any downturn, then I have a Nigerian friend for him who can help him score big if he'll just send a check. Back to the piece:
In making the Bear deal, the New York Fed agreed to accept Bear’s own calculation of the value of assets acquired with taxpayer money, even though those values were almost certain to decline as the economy deteriorated. Although Fed officials argue that they can hold onto those assets until they increase in value, to date taxpayers have lost $3.4 billion. Even these losses are probably understated, given how the Federal Reserve priced the holdings, said Janet Tavakoli, president of Tavakoli Structured Finance, a consulting firm in Chicago. “You can assume that it has used magical thinking in valuing these assets,” she said.
Translation: This paragraph doesn't even require any between the lines reading; it explicitly says that Geithner accepted Bear Stearns' fake values for assets, with the taxpayers making up the difference. Back to the article:
Over Columbus Day weekend last fall, with the market gripped by fear and banks refusing to lend to one another, a somber group gathered in an ornate conference room across from Mr. Paulson’s office at the Treasury.

Mr. Paulson, Mr. Bernanke, Ms. Bair and others listened as Mr. Geithner made his pitch, according to four participants. Mr. Geithner, in the words of one participant, was “hell bent” on a plan to use the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to guarantee debt issued by bank holding companies.
It was a variation on Mr. Geithner’s once-unthinkable plan to have the government guarantee all bank debt.

The idea of putting the government behind debt issued by banking and investment companies was a momentous shift, an assistant Treasury secretary, David G. Nason, argued. Mr. Geithner wanted to give the banks the guarantee free, saying in a recent interview that he felt that charging them would be “counterproductive.” But Ms. Bair worried that her agency — and ultimately taxpayers — would be left vulnerable in the event of a default.

Mr. Geithner’s program was enacted and to date has guaranteed $340 billion in loans to banks. But Ms. Bair prevailed on taking fees for the guarantees, and the government so far has collected $7 billion.
Translation: The vast guarantees of bank debts were Geithner's brainchild. Time and again, the article poses Sheila Bair and the FDIC as unsuccessfully trying to thwart Geithner's plans, worrying that they put the taxpayers at too much risk. It's certainly not good for his image that Geithner is repeatedly depicted as standing up for the banks' interests, while other government officials, usually from the FDIC, stand up for the taxpayers (although this does seem to be a fairly accurate description). Might the unnamed "others" in the room have been FDIC officials with an axe to grind, hoping to make their boss Bair look better? Back to the article:
Mr. Geithner has also faced scrutiny over how well taxpayers were served by his handling of another aspect of the bailout: three no-bid contracts the New York Fed awarded to BlackRock, a money management firm, to oversee troubled assets acquired by the bank.

BlackRock was well known to the Fed. Mr. Geithner socialized with Ralph L. Schlosstein, who founded the company and remains a large shareholder, and has dined at his Manhattan home. Peter R. Fisher, who was a senior official at the New York Fed until 2001, is a managing director at BlackRock....

For months, New York Fed officials declined to make public details of the contract, which has become a flash point with some lawmakers who say the Fed’s handling of the bailout is too secretive. New York Fed officials initially said in interviews that they could not disclose the fees because they had agreed with BlackRock to keep them confidential in exchange for a discount.

The contract terms they subsequently disclosed to The New York Times show that the contract is worth at least $71.3 million over three years. While that rate is largely in keeping with comparable fees for such services, analysts say it is hardly discounted.
Translation: Geithner gave lucrative contracts to close acquaintances. Even if this is not a case of clear cut corruption, there is an appearance of impropriety.

The obvious question this article raises is why publish it now? The populist fervor over the AIG bonuses has died down, and the market rebound over the last six weeks has quieted other (read: CNBC and their ilk) critics. Several possibilities jump out:
  • FDIC officials are wary of being implicated in the PPIP scheme, and want to separate themselves from Geithner.
  • Officials are worried not enough banks are willing to participate in the PPIP since the prices the leverage the government will provide will not be enough to prevent banks from taking large losses, so they want to lay the groundwork for blaming Geithner.
  • Administration officials are jockeying for Geithner's job (yes, that means you Larry), and are setting him up as the fall guy once it becomes clear the green shoots are just a blip on our downward trajectory.
  • The politicos like Rahm and Axelrod - who already distanced themselves from Geithner when he rolled out the PPIP - are positioning themselves to take a much tougher line on the banks, and need to scapegoat Geithner first (though is it really scapegoating if the blame is justified?). The fact that the article quotes several liberal critics of the bailouts - Stiglitz, Buiter, and Roubini - suggests that their ideas are gaining currency with whoever pushed this story. This would be a very positive development.
We can only hope that Geithner is feeling the heat within the administration and that Obama will reconsider whether he wants to tie himself to these unpopular bailouts Geithner has championed. Now if we could just someone besides Summer or Rattner to become Treasury Secretary, we might avoid a lost decade. Would Roubini give up his hard partying ways to take the job?

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